
[跨学科导读] J. Munday & M.F. Zhang: Discourse Analysis in T.S.

Munday & Zhang 翻译跨学科研究 2022-04-24

【编者按】翻译跨学科研究需要跨学科的知识储备,一本好书、一篇好文章、一个好的参考书目可以帮助我们快速了解一个研究领域,把握这个领域的研究动态。本公众号即日起推出“翻译跨学科研究导读”的专栏,帮助有志于从事翻译跨学科研究的老师、同学准确定位自己感兴趣的研究领域,快捷、有效地确立自己的研究方向。本期导读的翻译跨学科研究领域是:话语分析与翻译。我们节选利兹大学Jeremy Munday和澳门大学张美芳教授(2017)主编的《Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies》中的"Introduction"分享给各位。尽管是一本书的前言,但是通过研读此论述,大家可以很好的掌握话语分析的理论沿革及其在翻译跨学科研究中的应用,更多内容大家可以进一步阅读原著作。

Discourse analysis examines patterns of language across texts and considers the relationship between language and the social and cultural context in which it is used. Discourse analysis also considers the ways that the use of language presents different views of the world and different understandings. It examines how the use of language is influenced by relationships between participants as well as the effects the use of language has upon social identities and relations. It also considers how views of the world, and identities, are constructed through the use of discourse. (Paltridge,2012:1,转引自J. Munday & M.F. Zhang,2017:1-2)


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